The Keppe Motor & The New Physics

The Keppe Motor is a highly efficient motor that uses the principle of electromagnetic resonance to optimize its efficiency. It was developed by two Brazilian researchers, Carlos Cesar Soós and Roberto Heitor Frascari, following the discoveries of Brazilian scientist, Norberto Keppe, as outlined in his book, The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics, published in France in 1996. In this landmark scientific work, Keppe explains that energy doesn’t come from matter, but that matter actually originates from a previous, primary energy called Essential Energy, which is infinite and exists everywhere in the entire universe.
Feature Text
The Fundamental Mistake in Physics
Here’s a short excerpt from the seminal book of Brazilian scientist, Dr. Norberto Keppe. In this fascinating work, psychoanalyst and philosopher, Norberto Keppe, shows us how the inverted concepts in science especially Einsteins are causing us to desperately try to get energy from material, and destroying our planet and ourselves in the process.
Feature Radio Program
The Keppe Motor: Revolutionizing Science, Technology and Energy
They’re forecasting possible energy price hikes of 30 – 50% this year. On top of a recession, it’s hardly good news. We’ve been warned about this for at least 30 years, but we’ve been dinosaur slow in adapting to the warnings. Obama’s got his New Energy for America Plan but is it possible were too late to change?
Keppe Motor on The History Channel
Norberto Keppe, the scientist who created the new disinverted physics, has worked together with his engineering team, Cesar Soos and Roberto Frascari, to put into practice the innovative scientific principles that underlie the Keppe Motor.
Their work was recently featured in the documentary Power, which was shown various times on the History Channel to rave reviews. The documentary ran simultaneously in South America and Mexico, and tells the story of numerous scientists, including Nikola Tesla, Keppe, Paul Pantone and others who discovered alternative ways of generating energy that have the potential to solve many of the most serious problems facing humankind today.
The program shines a light on the work of these great scientists, and highlights how their discoveries have been kept from humanity by the powerful owners of the dominant energy companies whose industries cause so much pollution and destruction.
Search the entire STOP Radio Network Research Library including radio programs here.

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Both space and time transcend the sensory universe. In fact, this is so much so that without knowledge of this extra sensorial dimension it is impossible to understand anything. Science shouldn’t deal only with what is obvious, so why has it rejected thought and even theodicy? We have arrived at a time where we are moving beyond a fossilized, purely academic way of seeing things and opening the doors to freedom for the human race. We are tired of remaining shackled in small ideas inside such an immense world. I am inviting the new physicists not to be so ashamed of speaking of God, the most immense Being of all, and to leave behind the mediocrity in which they have placed themselves.
Here’s a short excerpt from the seminal book of Brazilian scientist, Dr. Norberto Keppe. In this fascinating work, psychoanalyst and philosopher, Norberto Keppe, shows us how the inverted concepts in science especially Einsteins are causing us to desperately try to get energy from material, and destroying our planet and ourselves in the process.
The accompanying study guide to Norberto Keppe’s landmark book, The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics, is now out. This book helps explain Keppes critique of how the essential concepts of physics today (as well as biology and psychology) are completely inverted and actually leading us away from an understanding of reality and the universe we live in.
We are born into a society that believes that matter is the basis of everything and is also the source of energy. We need to see that the opposite is true: its the energy that affects the matter. A further explanation of one of Keppes principal theses from The New Physics.
All motors are composed essentially of a rotor and a stator. So there are many motors that may “look” the same as the Keppe Motor, but the principle of the Keppe Motor is markedly different. Find out these differences below.
What is a Keppe Motor? How does it work and how can it change the world? Here are some of the most common questions and answers.
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Recommened Radio Programs
- Revolutionizing Science, Technology and Energy
- Analytical Trilogy and the Keppe Motor
- Keppe Motor featured on Good and Green Radio
- Keppe Motor and the Disinversion of Science
- The New World of Free Energy
- Where is All the Free Energy
- Free Energy Now - The Keppe Motor
- The Metaphysical Basis of Keppe’s New Physics
- Transcending Einstein and Materialism with Keppe’s New Physics
- Modern Science in Crisis
They’re forecasting possible energy price hikes of 30 – 50% this year. On top of a recession, it’s hardly good news. We’ve been warned about this for at least 30 years, but we’ve been dinosaur slow in adapting to the warnings. Obama’s got his New Energy for America Plan but is it possible were too late to change?
Our first Healing Through Consciousness show. An overview of Keppes vast science of Analytical Trilogy, including a call-in question about kids and responsibility, and a LIVE report from the Eco-German trade show about the revolutionary Keppe Motor
Coming Soon!
The Keppe Motor is a highly efficient motor that uses the principle of electromagnetic resonance to optimize its efficiency. It was developed by two Brazilian researchers, Carlos Cesar Soós and Roberto Heitor Frascari, based on the discoveries of the Brazilian scientist Norberto R. Keppe, set forth in his book The New Physics Derived From A Disinverted Metaphysics, first published in France, 1996. In this landmark book, Dr. Norberto Keppe outlines the basis for a new physics that transcends the postulates of Newton and Einstein and even the proposals coming from the realm of quantum physics. Keppe’s book is a bold and prophetic re-thinking of the essential building blocks of science that promises to lead humanity to profoundly higher levels of technological and social development. Keppe’s findings were the inspiration needed for STOP engineers Cesar Soos and Roberto Frascari to discover the method by which to capture the scalar energy perceived by Tesla (also referred to as essential or divine energy by Keppe), thereby side-stepping the traditional means used by all motors to this point. Richard Lloyd Jones, host of Thinking With Somebody Else’s Head and Cesar Soos join Susan to share information about the revolutionary Keppe Motor.
Mandela wrote that true freedom is not just merely casting off your own chains, but living in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
I love that last part because it implies that we have an obligation to do something to assist the general welfare – not just sit back in our “I’m all right, Jack” armchairs.
But it strikes me as I think about it that, actually, the strongest prisons that hold us hostage are not those made of concrete and steel and barbed wire. We live in prisons erected by our wrong beliefs and philosophies of life.
Norberto Keppe has written voluminously about a psycho-social condition called Inversion and how this has caused us to see reality upside down. A deep reading of his vast output will take you on a journey of human consciousness that will mark a turning point in your life. You will never be the same after his great discoveries of human psychology enter your consciousness.
One of the inverted institutions that locks us into an inferior perspective is modern science. Our lauded scientific worldview is seriously incomplete.
The Keppe Motor and the Disinversion of Science, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
In the early 1900s, a well-known Serbian inventor-turned-American embarked on the project of his life – the wireless transmission of electromagnetic and high frequency waves. To fund his ambitious project, he turned to the foremost financial wizard of this day, J.P. Morgan.
The inventor was the great Nikola Tesla, whose work in the transmission of electricity and the a/c motor was among the most important scientific achievements ever, and Morgan had a keen eye for a good investment, but … wireless transmission of energy? He couldn’t charge for that, and pulled the plug on Tesla’s funding.
It’s been a similar story ever since – a promising and sustainable alternative to oil and coal gains some headway and suddenly the lab is burned down or the scientist dies in a strange accident or the media ridicules him. And we are forced to continue with the destructive technology controlled by the sick powerful.
It’s a pattern that needs to come to an end.
The New World of Free Energy, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
It’s like something directly out of one of those B movies from the ’50s. Radiant energy transmitters. Implosion/vortex machines. Cold fusion energy.
But a lot of this is already a reality. Yes, there’s a lot going on in the search for alternative energy. And a whole lot more going on as to why we don’t have it.
Today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head, Where in the World is all the Free Energy?
Our topic today is a broad one. It encompasses the inversion in science that causes us to look at matter as the source of energy an dso miss out on some more advanced technologies that were started, ironically, over 100 years ago. We’ll also touch into the psychological sickness behind how that intriguing technology gets completely suffocated and blatantly denied us. (And a little hint here – the reasons go much deeper than just the maniacal hunt for profit that we normally point to as the culprit in this clear crime against humanity.)
This is a feature of psychoanalyst and social scientist, Norberto Keppe’s, work actually. He has been able to develop a psychological science that provides a clear map of what’s going on in the human psyche – for the first time in history – and which can also be applied to the structures and processes of society. After all, society is developed out of the belief structures and world views of the human beings that compose it, and so suffers from the same distortions and inversions that we do. (I think this applicability of psychological understanding to all of humankind’s structures is unprecedented in history, and therefore of great value to we who are struggling to understand the world.
My guest today is engineer, Cesar Soos, a frequent contributor to this Podcast.
Sterling D. Allan conducted a live, 1-hour interview with Cesar Soos, Eduardo Castela, and Richard Jones from the Keppe Motor group as part of the Free Energy Now radio show. The interview turned into a business brainstorming discussing about how the technology can be rolled out in an open source model.
In the 1500s, the scientific revolution was in full bloom. Scientists were fighting for independence from the theological dogmas that were unchallengeable. The Bible was literally interpreted back then, so when it said the sun rises and sets, that was the final word.
One of the lead revolutionaries – the scientific Che Guevara, if you will – was Galileo, who proposed that actually it was the Earth that was moving, not the sun. This caused quite the furor back in the 1630s.
Today, there is another scientific revolution emerging. There are no Inquisition trials, but Norberto Keppe‘s scientific perspective is receiving the modern day equivalent – silence from the scientific mainstream. His views, though, are still shaking the foundations of science just as Galileo and Bacon did 600 years ago.
Keppe doesn’t make the mistake the 16th century scientific radicals did, however, of throwing out philosophy and theology from his scientific proposals. It makes for a comprehensive science that’s poised to lead us to a new society.
In The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky writes, “You have needs, satisfy them. Don’t hesitate. Expand your needs and demand more.” He calls this “the worldly doctrine of today.”
But true to the depth of the great writer, he acknowledges the trap we fall into when we pursue a life of singular materialism.
“The result,” Dostoevsky writes, “For the rich is isolation and suicide, for the poor, envy and murder.”
So boiling that down to its metaphysical essence, Dostoevsky was basically suggesting that the popular bumper sticker, “He who dies with the most toys wins,” is a lot of twaddle.
But materialism is our inheritance from about 500 years of science bent on eradicating anything to do with spirituality – which they termed superstitious – from their theories.
I don’t think this was a step up. In the end, a materialistic philosophy narrows our perspective to where mere survival becomes our primary objective.
Any critique of modern science hits up against a formidable wall of skepticism and blind loyalty to the dogma that characterizes the scientific world view today.
That won’t stop us from attempting the task, however.
Because something changed in science. Although scientists today are generally against any idea of a transcendental reality, it wasn’t always like that. For centuries, the greatest geniuses considered the ultimate creative force of God fundamental to understanding of anything.
And then, it all changed. Let’s explore that change, and show how modern scientific dogma has led us to a blind alley that we won’t be able to escape from without reuniting science with theology and philosophy – which is exactly what Norberto Keppe’s Analytical Trilogy does.
Within this critique will also be some fundamental knowledge about the human psyche and its contribution to our problems, and the hopeful possibilities emerging from the Keppe Motor.

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In his landmark book, The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics, Dr. Norberto Keppe shows us how the inverted concepts in Physics (as well as biology and psychology) have proposed a totally upside down view of reality. Science has reached a dead-end because of the incorrect idea that energy comes from the electron, leading to the name “electronics.” In his follow up book to the New Physics, Magnetonics: The Science of Magnetism, Keppe expands on Nicola Tesla’s idea of the existence of essential energy (Tesla called it “scalar energy”), and it is this fundamental innovation that has led to the development of the Keppe Motor.
The Keppe Motor is a highly efficient motor that uses the principle of resonance to optimize its efficiency. It was developed by three Brazilian engineers and researchers, Carlos Cesar Soós, Alexandre and Roberto Heitor Frascari, based on the discoveries of the Brazilian scientist Norberto da Rocha Keppe, set forth in his book “The New Physics Derived From A Disinverted Metaphysics,” first published in France, 1996. Especially the fundamental idea that matter does not give origin to energy. In Keppe’s scientific view, matter arises from a primary energy that exists in the universe, which Keppe has named Essential Energy.
The Keppe motor, (developed by STOP engineers under the orientation of Norberto Keppe, author of the book The New Physics of Disinverted Metaphysics) captures clean, free and abundant energy which will help solve mankind’s critical energy problems. Watch this program to better understand what we are dealing with here and the incredible benefits this discovery will bring to mankind.
A Keppe Motor pump running on a solar panel.
This product demonstration shows how this technology does not require an inverter, making it a much lower cost system and at the same time increasing the efficiency.
In this video you will understand how the Keppe Motor applied in water pumps and a solar panel can be a much lower cost system.
No inverter is required, increasing even more the efficiency of the system, together with the efficiency of the motor itself. You will also see that this pump run as a generator too and how this can enable the development of regions with water shortages, like India and the northeast of Brazil.
Presentation by Cesar Soos about the Keppe Motor, given at the Grande Hotel Trilogia in Cambuquira, MG, Brazil on July 10, 2013.
Watch here the lecture Keppe Motor – A New Technology for a New World presented in Hong Kong Electronics Fair, presented by Cesar Soós, co-inventor of the Keppe Motor.
The full length Keppe Motor Video Manual featuring Keppe Motor co inventor Cesar Soos & Sterling Allan from Free Energy Systems. This video shows the step by step manufacturing process for building the Keppe Motor Art Deco table fan as well as it motor, the Keppe Motor 4.0.
Filmed in the Keppe Motor Factory, Cambuquira, Brazil.
Keppe Motor Technical Specifications Comparison – The most economical and efficient on the market today.
The technology of the New Physics and its applications in stopping the destruction of the world.
The program Terra Viva Sustentável (Earth, Sustainable Life), talks about the good practices in the countryside, and brings tips to improve the income and the quality of life in the farms.
Tobias Ferraz talks to researcher, César Soós, and mechanical engineer, Cesar Deluna, on a new solar energy that makes field energy savings possible for lower cost. Check it out.
In this fascinating book, Dr. Norberto Keppe, explores how the essential concepts of Physics, as well as biology and psychology, are completely inverted and are actually leading scientists away from understanding the nature of reality and the universe in which we live. This conundrum was perceived by 1979 Nobel Prize winner, Steven Weinberg. He asserted that unifying all the disparate theories would “require the emergence of radically new ideas.”
This book introduces those ideas. From exploring the truth about energy and matter, to discussing the true source of energy, to examining the enormous impact of psychology on genetics, Keppe clarifies science and disinverts its incorrect metaphysical orientation. This book transcends the study of Physics alone and offers far reaching consequences for biology and psychology as well.
In the end, it will become clear that Keppe’s landmark ideas unify science as no one before him and offer us a potent vision of the science of the future.
Everyone knows the formula E = mc2. What everyone does not know is that there was a big mistake made by Einstein on this famous principle.
Watch this video and understand why Dr. Norberto Keppe disagrees with Einstein and all the principles that insist on exploiting natural resources to generate energy.
Why should we encourage the development and use of new technologies in the world? Dr. Norberto Keppe answers this question here.
The Keppe Motor will be participating in the 13th edition of FIMAI — the International Industrial Environment and Sustainability Fair — being held from November 8 — 10, 2011 in the Blue Pavilion at Expo Center Norte in São Paulo.
Interview with Roberto Frascari.
The Italian Engineer Raimondo Cuoccolo is the Technical Director of DeLorenzo do Brazil and has worked extensively in our technology department over the past year and has been enthusiastically sharing his technological experience and developing educational workshops and seminars throughout Brazil and around the world.
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- Keppe Motor - New Technology for a New World
- Essential Energy
- The Energy Solution For The New Millennium
- Solar Powered Water Pump Prototype - Part 1
- Solar Powered Water Pump Prototype - Part 2
- Harmonic Electromagnetic Physics “Magnetonics”
- Lecture in Hong Kong Electronics Fair
- The Energy of Life
- Sterling Allen visits Factory
- Video Manual
- Universe Ceiling Fan
- The Principle of Resonance
- Understanding The New Physics
- The Concept of Energy
- Energy Saving Technology
- Truth about Energy & Matter
- Oil and coal generate destruction
- Sustainable Technology
- Sustainable Technology Commercial
- 13th FIMAI
- The New Physics
- Keppe Motor Efficiency
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Recommened Books

The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics
Norberto R. Keppe
149 pages
Translated to: Spanish, Italian, German, French and Swedish.
In this fascinating book, Dr. Norberto Keppe, explores how the essential concepts of Physics, as well as biology and psychology, are completely inverted and are actually leading scientists away from understanding the nature of reality and the universe in which we live. This conundrum was perceived by 1979 Nobel Prize winner, Steven Weinberg. He asserted that unifying all the disparate theories would “require the emergence of radically new ideas.”
This book introduces those ideas. From exploring the truth about energy and matter, to discussing the true source of energy, to examining the enormous impact of psychology on genetics, Keppe clarifies science and disinverts its incorrect metaphysical orientation. This book transcends the study of Physics alone and offers far reaching consequences for biology and psychology as well.
In the end, it will become clear that Keppe’s landmark ideas unify science as no one before him and offer us a potent vision of the science of the future.
The ABC of the New Physics
Claudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco
272 pages
This book was born out of the necessity to explain in the simplest words possible the content of Norberto Keppe’s book, The New Physics. In this profound and extraordinary book, Dr. Keppe analyzes the mistakes in science that have caused us to be so destructive and out of resonance with nature, and to offer concrete solutions for fixing our inverted scientific worldview. Compiled from extensive teleclass transcripts conducted by Pacheco, assisted by researchers, Cesar Sóos, and Alexandre and Roberto Frascari, this workbook uses everyday language to re-connect you with something incredible: the universal wisdom that resides in each one of us.

New Physics in Practice
Norberto R. Keppe
The pulse of traditional physics began to race when Hans Albrecht Bethe (1906-2005) introduced the «stellar» idea that nuclear fusion would be the next energy source. This led a group of followers to waste their time and the money of many countries on building the cyclotron in Switzerland. Articles and studies about this project spread rapidly through the academic world in Frankfurt, Munich, Cambridge, Tübingen and Cornell, and the idea became a pillar of science in the twentieth century.
When Albert Einstein (1879-1955) came out in support of biologist Robert Brown, Democritus’ supposition about how matter is formed of atoms (which have never been seen) received a successful resuscitation. It was, however, totally inverted, just like Einstein’s famous formula E=mc2.
My wish is that this booklet can help lift Physics out of the pit it has fallen into.

Norberto R. Keppe
This scientific booklet has been written to help the development of Physics, which has reached a dead-end because of the incorrect idea that energy comes from the electron, leading to the name “electronics”. The idea was put forward that there is a particle of matter – the atom, the smallest particle – composed of two particles plus a neutral element formed by the fusion of protons and electrons.