Psychotherapy and Exorcism
A scientific study of the link between possession and psychopathology
Special Podcast Series on Psychotherapy and Exorcism – an initiative of the Department of Theology of the Keppe Pacheco Trilogical College
Join host of Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head’s Richard Lloyd Jones and psychoanalyst Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco for this dynamic series of podcasts about Norberto R. Keppe’s new book Psychotherapy and Exorcism. Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head is one of the most important podcasts on the planet, with over 14 years of leading edge content.
What is Inversion?
Inversion is a psychological process, first observed by Dr. Norberto Keppe in 1977 and unique to his work, in which values and the perception of reality are inverted in the individual and in society. Examples: seeing good in something evil and evil in something good; believing that reality, not fantasy, causes suffering; seeing work as a sacrifice and laziness as pleasurable; thinking that love brings suffering and pain; and making wealth, prestige and power the most important goal of all.
A Clearer Focus on Inversion
Inversion and the Destruction of Humanity
So what are the results of Inversion in our global societies? Why are there so many wars, famines, diseases and suffering on our planet? Watch selected videos hosted by groundbreaking scientists Dr’s Norberto Keppe and Claudia Pacheco to find out why is humanity so broken.
The Inversion of Science
Inversion has permeated all aspects of humanity and the sciences are no exception. The results of this inversion of our sciences has been completely devastating to our planet as our ever so skewed perception of ever “advancing” technological wonders propels us ever so rapidly in the wrong (Inverted) direction.
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