Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head high quality MP3s
Attention Producers
Hosted by Richard Lloyd Jones and Dr. Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco, this program features soulful conversations that explore the science of the soul emerging from the International Society of Analytical Trilogy.
We are pleased to provide feature episodes in 128 MP3 format for your enjoyment.
A Cure for Corruption
Broach the subject of corruption with most people, and there’s an almost instant reaction. We understandably get apoplectic about the cases of corruption evident in corporations like BP or rogue traders like Nick Leeson. I even remember some self-righteous media pundits lamenting the blow to baseball represented by Pete Rose betting on the game.
We all get irate when facing these levels of unethical behavior, or even when a loved one betrays a trust. But this is when it would be timely to remember Shakespeare’s counsel in moments of self-righteous indignation: Methinks you doth protest too much.
Its well known in psychology that we can often tee off on behavior outside that we also partake in, and that can be a tough pill to swallow. It takes all the honesty and virtue we can muster to see that external conduct as a mirror reflecting back our own sins. But it is exactly this that’s required of us today. Because one thing we must admit if the world has gone astray, chances are pretty good we’ve contributed to that.
A Cure for Corruption, this time on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
Spirituality and Leadership
The murky world of shadows that constitutes modern leadership is not a new thing, of course. The TV mini-series “The Tudors” lays out in all its deceit and subterfuge the nest of vipers that was the British Royal Court of the 15th and 16th centuries. Ancient Rome was no picnic either from all accounts. And Chinese warlords scheming to be Taipan operated within complex webs of treachery.
Not much has changed. We\’re inverted, so we still practice to deceive and think, in our boundless delusion, that it will all come out ok in the end.
It’s been that way for centuries. So prevalent is it that we could be excused for thinking that political gamesmanship is just human nature – whether it’s office competitors vying for the boss’s favor, or contestants on a reality TV show pacting to get another sent home, or unelected bank leaders meeting in secret to decide world monetary policy.
Treachery and cunning, though, in all their proliferation, are far from what it means to be truly human, and this disinverted view deserves more headlines than it’s gotten. Allow us to do that a little today.
Leadership and Spirituality, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
Inversion The Missing Link in Human Consciousness
We are indeed living in potentially transformative times. And I only say potentially because it remains to be seen if humankind will do what it takes to reverse the downward cycle we have been in for millennia.
I know this sounds like heresy to those conditioned to hearing about the progress of modern society, but I am, of course, talking about a decay at a level much more profound than technological. Because, really, what benefit is it to us to be able to Twitter what we had for breakfast if the air is poisonous and the social injustice continues unabated?
All our vaunted progress is moving us further and further away from a better society, not closer, and this is happening because of an inverted worldview inside the mass of humanity. This Inversion is, of course, not perceived by us. And educating human beings of this provides the reason for our show, and underscores the importance of Norberto Keppe’s science of Analytical Trilogy, which provides the base for what we do on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
Inversion The Missing Link in Human Consciousness, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
Putting the New Consciousness into Practice
We’ve been bombarded with images and catch phrases heralding a new era for a number of decades now. From marketed scientific publications like the Aquarian Conspiracy to the blue environmentally pagan humanoids of Avatar to the end of the world apocalypse that Hollywood envisioned as the running out of the Mayan calendar, we’ve been up to our keisters in pop culture interpretations of the changing consciousness brought by a relentless new age spirituality for almost as long as I’ve been alive.
And way longer than that in the esoteric literature from Europe.
Some portray this as an inevitable product of the cosmic cycles of consciousness that are moving us dramatically towards the third millennium. Others say its all the destiny outlined in Revelations in the Bible. Still others that its all the product of the endless cycles of birth and death being acted out on a global scale.
A lot of room for interpretation and speculation, isn’t there? Which is why its important, here in the middle of the thing, to try to do something and not just speculate.
Putting the New Consciousness into Practice, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
Removing the Rose-Colored Glasses: The Dangers of Social Alienation
I wonder sometimes if young people today admit to naivete. It seems very uncool to be innocent these days. Kurt Cobain maybe summed it up best when he said he was always busy acting like he wasn’t naive. Like hed seen it all, like he was there first.
I think that speaks for a generation. You can’t be gullible anymore, God forbid. You have to know what’s cool and what’s not and prove that in what you wear and drive and love.
Of course, there’s the really complicated aspects to consider, like your best friend who keeps walking blindly into disastrous relationships with men who throw down her heart and stomp that sucker flat. This is pretty pathological, and I think speaks of a deep self-destructive alienation, not guilelessness at all.
We are all of us vulnerable to this kind of personal heave-ho based on the level of denial we are in about reality reality in this sense meaning how we really are behind our masks, and how we see the true state of our upside-down society. And this we will never see unless we undertake some profound self-analysis.
Removing the Rose-Colored Glasses: The Dangers of Social Alienation, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
Work, Art and Occupy Wall Street
Einstein made serious mistakes in equating energy with matter and thereby giving us the scientific justification for tearing up the planet in the search for more material to extract energy from.
His theory also single-handedly put the damper on space travel when he linked everything to the speed of light. After all, if we have to propel a spacecraft at that speed, well how will that be possible? And even then, if it’ll take a few million light years to get anywhere interesting, you can see how that could dampen enthusiasm for space exploration.
Now, Einstein wasn’t a bad guy. He was just inverted. However, he did say some good stuff, too, like how we should never lose our holy curiosity when contemplating the marvellous structure of reality. Somehow that touches poetry, doesn’t it, and makes a case for how science shoulders up to art when its at its best.
Norberto Keppe maintains that art is actually the basis of civilization, essential as the main pillar of any advanced culture. And art brings with it an implication of beauty and goodness something we too often neglect in our modern technological paradigm.
Let’s bring it all together a little. Work, Art and Occupy Wall Street, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
The Wrong Vibration Between Power and People
There is, as Im sure youve noticed, a massive movement around the world of the people struggling to free themselves from the shackles of oppression. The latest initiative the I won’t pay movements surging in Greece and a few other countries in Europe, specifically targeting Metro ticket turnstiles.
And, of course, the surging up of indignation causes conniption fits in those in power from extreme, like the violent crackdowns in Syria and even in #Occupy locations in North America, to more hidden, like the reports leaking out from the Bilderbergers and Trilateral Commission that subtly suggest that all this is a threat to global stability.
This is, of course, a huge crock of horse hooey, since its the stability of the elites iron hold on power that’s really being threatened. And from the people’s point of view, how could that ever be bad. But we the people play into these Machiavellian tactics when we follow unthinking into that dark night. And its this wed like to consider today.
The Wrong Vibration Between Power and People, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
Correcting Metaphysics and Society
I remember the day it fully dawned on me that the path society was on was a dead end. I was on the train from Rhinebeck, NY to Toronto a beautiful but tedious journey with only vestiges of the former romance of train travel to keep me company. I was settled in with snacks and bottled water and ample reading material to fill the long 10 hours or so ahead of me.
My book of choice at that time was Norberto Keppe’s Liberation of the People: The Pathology of Power, and I felt myself changing as I read.
Or maybe it wasn’t a change as much as a recognition. T.S. Eliot spoke about how at the end of all our exploring we would arrive at where we started and know the place for the first time and that perhaps comes closer to how I felt. It was like a recognition in Keppes writing of something I also knew to be true but had forgotten.
Keppes great book does that reawakens our idealism and gives us a glimpse of the new society that’s possible. And all this can happen because Keppe helps disinvert us and get us back on track.
Correcting Metaphysics and Society, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.