Vaccines have been sold as essential for our survival. And we’re vaccinating a significantly larger number of kids because of it.

Many hospital boards and health care systems even link incentive pay for executives and directors to their pediatric immunization rates.

But there’s more than a conflict of interest going on here. Vaccinations, it appears, are downright dangerous.

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head, Re-thinking Vaccines.

Well, get ready to have your eyes opened. Dr. Roberto Giraldo has brought something very interesting to Brazil since moving here from New York City. Giraldo is a Colombian medical doctor with a speciality in infectious diseases and immunology. He’s worked a lot with AIDS patients all over the world and has much to say about the inverted medical system he’s worked in for over 40 years. And he’s been talking lately with Dr. Norberto Keppe. Keppe is the scientist behind Analytical Trilogy, which is the science I base these programs on. And they’ve been talking incessantly about the bad science Louis Pasteur brought to the world, and the forgotten enius of Pasteur’s contemporary, Antoine Béchamp. We’ll explore that a little more in our program today.

If you start investigating the vaccine business, you’re in for quite an eye opener. First of all, be very clear about this: vaccinations are a business. Forget all the drug industry hype about protecting our children, this is a profit-based endeavor through and through. A couple of years ago, independent market analyst, Datamonitor, commissioned a report from a vaccine analyst – and who know there even was such a thing. Hedweg Kresse was her name, and in this report she discussed the future outlook for vaccine profits. Turns out she’s predicting that the introduction of high priced vaccines will induce some rapid growth in the pediatric and adolescent vaccines market. She’s predicting that that market’s goint to quadruple by 2016 across the U.S., France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the U.K. and Japan.

They’re projecting it. That means they’re going to make it happen.

The crucial factor, what’ll make these stupendous profits possible, is the “introduction of a product into national vaccination schedules.” This means they’re preparing product, and marketing it through highly paid lobbyists to government officials in these countries.

And then slipped in ominously right after this comment is consultant Kresses’ admission that this product introdution into national vaccination schedules virtually guarantees market expansion and high coverage rates in the target population.

“Coverage rates.” My God, the language. That means the numbers of people who are vaccinated. You can just imagine the directors of the vaccine companies hashing it out with flow charts and projection sheets. Talking about windows of opportunity and profit margins and return on investment. Kind of chills the blood, doesn’t it?

But you know what else guarantees that these new high priced vaccines are adopted by various national vaccination schedules? Reimbursements. That corporate speak for payments to directors of hospital boards and health care systems based on the immunization rates they achieve in their institutions. So they’re paid bonuses if they increase immunizations.

That doesn’t leave a very warm feeling in my heart either. With all this need for marketing, it makes you wonder about the efficacy of the marketed product, doesn’t it? Kind of like junk food lobbyists pushing for their product’s inclusion in school lunch programs. It’s “good business” but I’m pretty sure the kids aren’t going to benefit all that much.

And so it is with vaccines – a dubious medical procedure with little good science behind it.

Now I know this is a shock. Anything that cuts directly against the prevailing point of view always raises the hackles of some. But vaccinations, like Pasteur’s Germ Theory itself, is something that’s been marketed – peddled actually – by some who stand to make a ton of money by promoting and supporting it. And that alone should make us take a second look. Which we’ll try to help you do today with Dr. Roberto Giraldo.
