I’m Richard Lloyd Jones and this is Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

I’ve been catching up on some reading lately. That’s one of the things that seems to slip through the cracks if I don’t take care. All this focus on tweets and Facebook updates seems to have shortened my attention span, so getting into a good book gets harder and harder.

The book I’ve been biting into is Norberto Keppe’s landmark book, The Decay of the American People (and of the United States) – the one that started troubles for Keppe and Co. in America because the powers-that-be didn’t get it. They thought Keppe was attacking, but on closer reading you’ll see he was keen to help.

“We are not simply writing a book,” he says in his prologue, “We are launching the beginning of a campaign of awareness to save the U.S. from total decay.”

It had been noteworthy from his first landing in New York in the early 1980s that trouble was brewing. And his book laid out the areas that were in decadence, from economics to industry to agriculture, to psychology and esthetics and religion. It’s strong stuff.

And it points a firm finger at the extremely megalomanic people in power who’ve lost their sense of reality and are leading the decay.

Paranoia and Society Control, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.
