Tag: Cesar Soos

Dogma. A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. Meaning incapable of being questioned or doubted. In the 15 and 1600s, there was the beginning of a movement against dogma that burst forth from the scientific studies of such giants as Copernicus and Keppler, Newton and Galileo. Names we
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Our thinking, our philosophies of life, these are things we take for granted most of the time. "That's just the way it is," we say, and we step out confidently upon that premise. But what extensive research in clinical study from Brazil is showing us is that we would do well to investigate a little
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The truth will set you free, it is written. OK, good. But knowing what the truth is, recognizing it when it pulls up alongside, ah, that’s a little more difficult. Especially as our materialistic worldview would tell us that truth depends. And this idea of relative truth is a lie that comes to us from
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One of the things that gives me solace when looking at all the really horrible manipulation and cruelty of our modern day society is that the perpetrators of these evil deeds will have their comeuppance. How all that works is the subject of our show today. Through near death experiences, everyday guilt feelings and spiritual
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What is the true nature of man? Is it good, beautiful and true? Or a mix of those elements with corruption and evil? That question strikes deep to the issue philosophers have struggled to answer for centuries. Today, we are very fortunate to have some conclusions on the subject, originating from Norberto Keppe‘s school of

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Any critique of modern science hits up against a formidable wall of skepticism and blind loyalty to the dogma that characterizes the scientific world view today. That won’t stop us from attempting the task, however. Because something changed in science. Although scientists today are generally against any idea of a transcendental reality, it wasn’t always
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