Here’s a wild thought: it’s our socio-economic structure that is causing most of our distress and misery today. We’ll even go a little further: it leading us into mental and physical illness. After all, human beings cannot live in balance if society is out of balance. The dynamics between the individual’s internal problems and the
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Tag: Norberto Keppe
We’re spending thousands of dollars per second. We’re disrupting the lives of millions of people. We’re damaging our soldiers and our own citizens. And we’re not reducing terrorism one smidgen. And that’s not the worst news. In the 21st Century, we’re still trying to resolve disagreements in medieval ways. And this is having a terrible
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Drug dealers, prostitutes, terrorists, assassins. These are all aspects of society we have to deal with in our modern world. But not only in the external population. No, there are many of those personalities in power today. And they use the police and military to squash dissent in all of the myriad and horrible ways
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The Tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan, the rising up in the Arab world, Haiti, the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, another war … this is all showing much more than human tragedy and environmental devastation. What it’s showing us is that our way of behaving on the planet, even our lauded
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Any critique of modern science hits up against a formidable wall of skepticism and blind loyalty to the dogma that characterizes the scientific world view today. That won’t stop us from attempting the task, however. Because something changed in science. Although scientists today are generally against any idea of a transcendental reality, it wasn’t always
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Knowing what’s going on inside the heads of human beings is obligatory for everybody, whether we’re speaking about life in general or about any profession you might have. And why is this so fundamental? Because there are so many twists and turns in human relationships, in work, in all professions, in life, that if you
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Ethics? Principles? Doing unto others? When did they become so old fashioned? Nowadays we live in a world almost totally dominated by greed, getting something for nothing, and exploitation. Our premise today is that this goes directly against the foundations of our civilization, and our human essence. That’s serious stuff. Law and legislation are totally
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There is a deep thirst inside us all for understanding of the most important part of the being – the metaphysical aspect. It is exactly this that differentiates us from animals, and if we do not consider our spiritual aspect, we are actually mutilating our understanding of ourselves. But how to make heads or tails
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Norberto Keppe was well established in the U.S. in the 1980s. And his science of Analytical Trilogy was having a big effect – which the powerful didn’t like all that much. Meaning that Keppe and his team of researchers were attacked relentlessly – especially when it became clear that Keppe was touching a sensitive nerve
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Science has become tragically compartmentalized. A bacteriologist has little knowledge of what an endocrinologist does, much less does a paleontologist understand anything of molecular chemistry. And although all of it may be Greek to us, there is a synthesis in science that comes from disinverting the basis of the scientific disciplines. Norberto Keppe’s work of
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