We go deep to the source of humanity’s problems on our show today, which we can do thanks to the science of Norberto Keppe, who is a master of human psycho and socio pathology. Join host Richard Lloyd Jones and special guest, Dr. Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco in an expansive and thrilling discussion that looks at
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Tag: Norberto Keppe
The core of the psycho-social problems of the age is under our microscope today. The pathological power structure and how it works against us, our deluded idea that war defends freedom, our psychotic economy – hot and essential topics. And the story of an American visitor to our International Society of Analytical Trilogy. Join the
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Spirituality. It’s what we should be in touch with this holiday season. But it seems we’re farther and farther away. In our predominantly materialistic/censorial world, is it even relevant to be spiritual? We think yes. Never more so. Listen in now to Richard’s conversation with Dr. Claudia Pacheco. Click here to listen to this episode.
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Dr. Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco joins us today for a profound exploration of the nature of life, how far we’ve strayed from it and what that distance means for human intelligence and culture. A poetic discussion that finds time along the way to consider the inverted human will, airport security gone mad, and how the Japanese
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Materialism. A worse condition than drug addiction, says Norberto Keppe. Powerful stuff today as we take a scientific look at the true meaning of the season, and our terrible corruption of it … and along the way, re-capture the missing spirit of Christmas. Click here to listen to this episode. Keyword Search Search for: Recent
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The Great Spirit. Yahweh. Jehovah. The Almighty. God. Whatever name He goes by, He’s been honoured and worshiped by the greatest human beings in history. Only in our modern times have we systematically acted to remove the Creator of the universe – and of ourselves – from our human institutions. At great damage to ourselves.
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The Great Spirit. Jahweh. Jehovah. The Almighty. God. Whatever name He goes by, He's been honoured and worshipped by the greatest human beings in history. Only in our modern times have we systematically acted to remove the Creator of the universe - and of ourselves - from our human institutions. At great damage to ourselves.
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Sartre proposed that hell was the other people, and maybe we took that too much to heart. So we build walls to keep out the Mexicans, we stone the "terrible" married women who sleep around, we blame everyone but ourselves for our troubles. And perhaps one of the most pernicious areas dominated by the "problem
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How many times have we seen it? You're best friends with someone at work when suddenly they get promoted. After this move upstairs, they don't want to know you. They become aloof and unapproachable - almost like they've become somebody else. What's actually happening is that the new power has liberated the pathology that always
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Their idea is that they're indispensable. Most of us think the same thing. There's a general belief that without those in power, we'd have no one to protect us or look after our needs. But past citizens had a wiser view. They knew that those in power could be dangerous if not controlled. Today on
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