We’ve been seduced by them, and horrified by them. Encouraged to tune out with them, and spurn them violently as instruments of the devil. We’ve seen them reduce users to living in hovels, and elevate dealers to palacial mansions. Legal or illegal, they’re being used and abused in record numbers in our so-called evolving society.
Today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head, the Inversion Driving Substance Abuse.
Well, this is some topic to consider, let me tell you. Drug abuse is a monumental topic because there are so many aspects to consider. There’s the personal aspect first. Probably all of us have some direct experience with it – from our favorite uncle with a drinking problem, to horror stories of close friends destroying lives and familes with out-of-control substance abuse problems.
There’s the social aspect of modern life being so bereft of meaning and purpose and spiritual values.
There’s the psychopathic aspect which is always present when astronomical profits are involved.
But there is some considerable comfort to be found in the work of Brazilian-Austrian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Norberto Keppe, whose work we will be discussing in great detail at our International Conference of Analytical Trilogy (Keppe’s science), Sept. 24 – 27, 2008 in San Diego. Write me for more information on that at rich@richjonesvoice.com, or visit our website, www.wcatus.org
Shakespeare said, “How far that little candle throws his beams. So shines a good deed in a weary world.” That is a perfect description of Keppe’s work. Reaching to the core of our difficulties and offering a strong hand up and out, and into our true position as beautiful, good and true beings in a loving universe.
But we have some problems to see along the way.
Sofie Bergqvist is a teacher here at our International Society of Analytical Trilogy, and she’s been developing deep work in the roots of substance abuse for our September conference. She looks at this important topic today on our program.
Click here to listen to this episode.
Tags: substance abuse, drug abuse, roots of substance abuse, roots of drug abuse