As we’ve explored before, it was Aristotle who led the compartmentalizaton of science into all its disciplines. He oriented us away from Plato’s more universal perspective to looking down to the senses for understanding reality.
It was a significant mistake, and in case you’ve never given any thought to how philosophy drives science, strap yourself in. Today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head, The Revolution in Science, prompted by the discoveries of Brazilian/Austrian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Norberto Keppe.
Now this is uncharted territory. Keppe has been working in the field of psychology for decades and has achieved something truly significant. Through his discovery of psychological Inversion, he has been able to finish the mapping of the human psyche.
This is no small feat, of course, and a big statement. But as you begin to delve into Keppe’s theories and clinical examples, you begin to make sense of many previously inexplicable behaviors – in yourself and friends and family members, and even in political and social movements and structures. Reading his book, The Origin of Illness, is a treatise on leading edge psychology and it’s, frankly, light years ahead of anything else in the field.
Keppe’s big discovery of Inversion shows us that human society is upside down. We’ve inverted our values, our economy works against people not for them, our education system trains us to work for corporations, not to think and develop an advanced society.
All this will be explored at our World Conference of Analytical Trilogy, Sept. 24 – 27, 2008. More information on that is available at
And our upcoming teleclass series will explore this in much more detail, too. Write me for information on that …
This Inversion also affected Aristotle, and the fathers of modern science, Compte, Descartes, Newton, Einstein. Keppe applies his psychological wisdom to science as well to powerful effect. His book, The New Physics, which is available as a downloadable e-book, puts us right side up again, and it’s the subject of our program today. Keppean researcher, Cesar Soos, joins us.
Tags: new physics, science and technology, Norberto Keppe, science and consciousness