We spend our most formative years in it. The best years of our lives, they call it. And in these years, we ostensibly learn invaluable lessons for the rest of our lives.

Still, I can’t help but remember Einstein’s thoughts about it: “Education is what remains after you’ve forgotten everything you learned in school.”

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head, Treating Problems in Education.

Well, this is a subject close to our hearts here at the International Society of Analytical Trilogy because we work with education a lot. But let me describe something about our structure here first.

As you may know from listening to Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head, we’ve been working with new ways to structure business since the mid-1980s. When the president of ISAT, Norberto Keppe, upon whose psycho-sociological discoveries I base this show, was invited to take his work to the U.S., he was frankly shocked at the massive decay he noticed there. He wrote a number of books about it, most notably Liberation of the People, Work and Capital and the Decay of America. One essential aspect of Keppe’s critique centered about the mis-guided policies of Reagonomics.

Keppe noted that the policies of speculation being promoted by Reagan and Friedman, the economist who oriented him, was moving America away from producing goods and into making money with money. This makes money more important than work – an inversion that seriously weakens an economy, because nothing real can be built on speculation only. This creates an inflated virtual economy floating above a non-existent foundation – which used to be based on work and production.

So, Keppe organized Trilogical companies based on disinverted principles, such as workers owning the company, payment occurring based on production, not the money invested by a person, no one making money on the work of others.

And one of the businesses we run this way is Millennium Language Schools here in São Paulo, where we employ Keppe’s studies in psycho-socio-pathology to teach people. With great effect, I might add.

Luciara Avelino is a Brazilian teacher who has worked here for over 10 years. In addition to her teaching duties, she now conducts workshops to help teachers and students understand themselves better so they learn better.


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