Mental Health
Coping with the stress and craziness of our modern society is no picnic. And increasing numbers of us are not making it, resorting to drugs and even suicide as a way out. The wisdom inherent in Analytical Trilogy offers real hope to those in desperate situations. We hope the resources on this page help you and those you know in need. Let us know what you think, and what you’d like us to explore more.
Featured Text
The Roots of Suicide
After cardiovascular disease and cancer, suicide is the next major cause of death in the world. The following are only a few of the numerous signs of suicide that all of humanity has been perpetrating in an unrestrained descent into decadence, degradation and destruction: broken homes, higher rates of physical and mental diseases, water pollution, barren lands, ecological imbalance, danger of war, higher crime rates, an evident distancing from spirituality. All these things mirror the state of the innermost being of man. The roots of suicide lie in the attitude of rejection, omission and distortion of truth when the human being chooses destruction. We should urgently become conscious of the danger of this attitude. The purpose of this study is to warn and make people aware of the true causes that lead to suicide and how to deal with them; to show students, therapists and the general population that it is possible to reach truly effective and permanent results through treatment called Analytical Trilogy.
Featured Radio Program
An Analysis of Depression
The studies on depression tell us that the chemicals in our brains have gotten screwed up, or that we’ve inherited the thing, or that were burned or stressed out, or that some life trauma is affecting us. But we need to re-consider depression. Lets do that today.
Feature Video
The Importance of Interiorization to Strengthen Life and Society
Society is sick because it believes that both good and evil come from outside. Thus the urgent need to interiorization in human affairs … something Norberto Keppe’s science of Analytical Trilogy understands profoundly.
STOP the Destruction of the World Program
Discover more Trilogical TV programs here at Trilogy Channel.
Search the entire STOP Radio Network Research Library including radio programs here.
Recommend Texts
- The Roots of Suicide
- We Are Under the Influence of Good and Bad Spirits
- Spirits Speak with Humans as if by Phone
- We Fell From Paradise to Hell on Earth
- If the Human Being Does Not See That He is a Semi-Demon, He Will Not be Healed
- Man is a Demon to his Fellow Man
- The Demon Is a Schizophrenic Spiritual Being
- The Greatest Theories of the Twentieth Century Were Directly Inspired By Lucifer
- The Source of Consciousness is Correct, Real and Aesthetic Action
- Angels, Demons and Mental Health
- Demons have a direct influence in the human mind
After cardiovascular disease and cancer, suicide is the next major cause of death in the world. The following are only a few of the numerous signs of suicide that all of humanity has been perpetrating in an unrestrained descent into decadence, degradation and destruction: broken homes, higher rates of physical and mental diseases, water pollution, barren lands, ecological imbalance, danger of war, higher crime rates, an evident distancing from spirituality.
We must keep in mind that the spiritual life has two paths: the first, obviously, is the divine way, whereby God, His angels, and the good human spirits bring help to us; the second is the way of the demons and the wandering souls (as they have been called) who roam the world doing evil. The latest wisdom about this is here in Analytical Trilogy.
I am inviting the reader to come with me into this immense world of the spirits, a world of which we are currently only 10% aware because we reject it so much. Join me.
In paradise we enjoyed the company of superior beings especially God while today we are much more surrounded by the inferior spirits. And this has been our choice, occurring when we assume the attitudes of arrogance, envy, and anger.
The general idea we have is that we don’t see our own evil, there will be no consequences. But we human beings can easily establish a resonance with evil spirits if we don’t conscientize this. Our mind is actually an open channel to the world of transcendence. Lets find out more about this.
The battle to accomplish evil leads to the destruction of intelligence, love and dignity. Therefore, trouble-making behavior destroys the persons beauty and integrity. Every bad idea and intention ruins the person’s natural structure. This discussion is at the heart of understanding human corruption.
Psychosis can be identified as a kind of possession, which is why this type of individual is completely illogical and totally deficient in his affectionate life. In fact, the idea has always existed that mental disease is proof of the presence of spirits. How can Trilogy help us to understand this today?
The so-called unconscious does not exist in itself, for it is simply the absence of consciousness. This dialectical point runs through all of Keppe’s work, and it changes everything about how we see reality. Keppe’s discussion about this is profound and unparalleled.
Those who refuse the conscientization process, that is, who do not want to see the truth about themselves, are by the same token unwilling to put themselves into action. So what is generally called laziness is the attitude of rejecting what is good.
Keppe has asserted that we are never good or bad alone. This spiritual influence in our day-to-day lives is much more prevalent than we have thought.
We are not operating alone. Not only psychotics are influenced by malicious spirits. This will make us think.
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Recommend Radio Programs
- Inversion Driving Substance Abuse
- Youth and Addiction
- Drugs and Power
- Altered States of Consciousness the Truth Behind Illegal Drugs
- An Analysis of Depression
- Getting a Handle on Depression
- Trilogical Perspective on Suicide
- Liberating Ourselves from Our Free Will
- Therapy to Heal Society
- More on Fear and Anxiety
- Depression and Society
- Liberating Ourselves From our Free Will
- The Perils of Positive Thinking
- Therapy to Heal Society
We’ve been seduced by them, and horrified by them. Encouraged to tune out with them, and spurn them violently as instruments of the devil. We’ve seen them reduce users to desperate lives, and elevate dealers to palatial mansions. Drugs are being used and abused in record numbers in our so-called evolving society. What’s behind it all?
He’s widely considered one of the greatest scientific geniuses of all time. A humble civil servant, he rose from obscurity to change the world of science – and altered how we see the world. He was known and famous for his Theory of Relativity. Only one problem – Einstein’s scientific theory was fundamentally flawed. Listen in as we correct Einstein’s mistake.
Its victims include some of the most famous people of the 20th century. But it’s the less well-known stories that shock us. The quiet teenager down the street who overdoses. The cousin who doesn’t make it through rehab. The childhood friend who gets in with the wrong crowd and is shot in a drug deal gone sour. Drugs and power today on our program.
They’re used as doorways to mystical experiences and consciousness. They’ve been ingested to escape the problems of everyday life. They’ve been encouraged by governments to assuage the misery of underpaid factory workers. Can there be any new dimensions to consider regarding drugs? Sure there are.
The studies on depression tell us that the chemicals in our brains have gotten screwed up, or that we’ve inherited the thing, or that we’re burned or stressed out, or that some life trauma is affecting us. But we need to re-consider depression. Let’s do that today.
By 2020, it’s estimated it will be the second largest killer after heart disease. Ominously, pre-schoolers are the fastest-growing market for medication to treat it. Cases are rising fast … and we’re pretty much baffled about how to treat it. Until now.
Death, of course, touches us all. But premature death … that cuts a little closer to the bone. And death brought about by the victim’s own hand, that’s perhaps the most difficult of all. It’s not a topic we normally like to talk much about. Today we will.
Philosopher David Hume called it the most contentious issue in metaphysics. And nearly every major figure in the history of philosophy has weighed in on the topic in their work. Free will – the capacity of rational agents to choose a course of action from among various alternatives. A fascinating discussion today on our program.
Look all around and you’ll see the mounting evidence of a society in deep trouble. Environmental disaster, recession, skyrocketing
depression and suicide rates. Human society as it’s currently organized is at a dead-end. Now … what do we do about it?
A woman is terrified of going to the supermarket.
A man loses sleep over being evaluated at his job.
A jazz singer is terrorized by her pending success.
It can be crippling and terrifying. And it´s the third largest mental health care problem in the world.
What is going on behind our fears and anxieties?
Here’s a wild thought: it’s our socio-economic structure that is causing most of our distress and misery today.
We’ll even go a little further: it leading us into mental and physical illness. After all, human beings cannot live in balance if society is out of balance. The dynamics between the individual’s internal problems and the resultant social difficulties has rarely been studied … and never with the clarity and vision we’ll introduce today.
Stress as a consequence of social sickness, led by the most unbalanced individuals in our society today – our leaders – and what we need to do to improve it.
Philosopher David Hume called it the most contentious issue in metaphysics. Actually, nearly every major figure in the history of philosophy has weighed in on the topic somewhere in their work.
Free will … the capacity of rational agents to choose a course of action from among various alternatives. Is the issue really that complicated?
Well, Hume was right. The issue of the free will is contentious. And I’ll be diving into the controversy, too, in a moment. A fascinating subject.
But first, a number of you have been writing to ask that I let you know about the new call-in radio show I’m launching with world-renowned author and psychoanalyst, Dr. Claudia Pacheco. I’m not surprised there’s so much interest. You who’ve been listening to this Podcast over the past year and a half must’ve come to appreciate the clarity and wisdom of the science behind this show.
It’s called Analytical Trilogy, and it’s not an easy science to encapsulate in a sentence or two. Analytical Trilogy is essentially a union of theology, philosophy and science that gives us a comprehensive view of the psychology of the human being and the reflections of this human psychology on the greater social structures we live within. Our political structures, our wars, our education systems of lack thereof, our environmental challenges … all have their birthplace inside the human psyche. And no one in history has clarified that better than the man behind Analytical Trilogy, Dr. Norberto Keppe.
Whether it be something every psychologist or human potential workshop leader has weighed in on – like depression or self-esteem or self-sabotage – or something no one talks about – like the psychology behind the pathology of power – when we turn the Trilogical lens on the topic, you hear a perspective you’ve never heard before. And it lands. It feels right. It just “makes sense,” as many of you writing to me have confirmed.
It flows inexorably underneath the American personality. Look on the bright side. On the sunny side of the street. Let a smile be your umbrella. That positive, can-do attitude has accomplished much. Why, then, do we have so much depression?
There is much value in having a positive attitude, but the whole story is a little more complex.
First, a confession. I’m an optimist. A glass is half full kind of guy. I’ve always liked to try to see the good in others and in life. When I was doing a lot of seminar and workshop leading a number of years ago with my good friend, Dennis Hilton’s company out in Vancouver, I used to use a favorite story:
Two shoe salesman were visiting a village where few people wore shoes. One wires back to his head office, “It’s no use selling here. I’m coming home. No one wears shoes.” The second salesman wires back to his head office, “Incredible opportunities here. Send more product. No one wears shoes.”
All right, kind of corny. But I loved the attitude of the second guy. Still do.
But since coming to study and work with Norberto Keppe’s International Society of Analytical Trilogy here in São Paulo, Brazil, I’ve come to look at this aspect of positive thinking in a new light. Perhaps more accurately, a more sophisticated light.
Nowadays, with all the emphasis on cognitive therapy and behavior modification and even the power of affirmations, there can be a tendency to think that having better lives is simply a matter of progressive re-programming of our attitudes and behaviors. And the current popularity of The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know propogate this notion further – I can accomplish whatever I want. Giving the idea that through our thoughts or ideas we can change the world.
Austrian/Brazilian psychoanalyst, Norberto Keppe, is quick to remind us of a philosophical point of view though: that our being, who we are, follows action, not thinking. In other words, we are what we do, not what we think. It’s our doing that governs our being.
Look all around you and you’ll see the rapidly mounting evidence of a society in deep trouble. Lurking environmental disaster, a pending recession, skyrocketing depression and suicide rates. Human society as its currently organized is at a dead-end. Time to admit it … if we continue like this, we’re done for. Now … what do we do about it?
For any of you, and I know there are many, who look around you and wonder, “What has gone so terribly wrong?”, this program will come as a great relief. There are some practical tools that can be used to treat the inverted and even perverse social and psychological conditions in the world today. Thanks to the work of psychoanalyst and social scientist, Norberto Keppe, we can now say definitively that the source of our problems is clear. Human beings, out of their enormous envy, have inverted their values and elaborated an inverted society as a result. And then, on top of that, we censor perception of our envy and inversion and pretend that we are the masters of our own destiny and that we can solve all problems ourselves given enough time and money. But it will never work.
In his extraordinary book about disinverting economics, Work and Capital, Keppe says, “The human being becomes ill as a result of his anger toward light, toward consciousness. He prefers to live in darkness, far removed from any perception. This is what causes his illnesses and all of the problems that beset humanity. At the same time that his intention is to know, he opposes knowledge entirely – and in the struggle leaves strewn along the way the ruins of a life spent battling against the truth.”
Se we are missing something fundamental. Human beings, in an incomplete, materialistic way, keep looking for superficial solutions – introduce this legislation, save that species, speak out about globalization and the corruption world trading agreements cause to the democratic process. And while all these may be necessary, they must be done in tandem with addressing our deep metaphysical crisis – we are turned against God … and even our own existence.
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Mans psychological problems such as envy, censorship and projection are very dangerous for civilization as is globalization and particularization (the transference of the riches of all people into the hands of a small group of individuals). Censorial interests (an interest in material things only, for example) are the main factors which disturb man’s happiness.
Society is sick because it believes that both good and evil come from outside. Thus the urgent need to interiorization in human affairs … something Norberto Keppe’s science of Analytical Trilogy understands profoundly.
In the book Psychoanalysis of Society published in 1986, Keppe wrote that the individual, the family, institutions and society at large are greater than the individual because societal problems are routine and caused by sick individuals when linked to the power of institutions. In 1980 in the book The Decay of the American People and The USA Keppe showed the socio-economic decadence of the United States due to financial speculation which is now appearing to the eyes of the world. A good individual is one who wants to improve society.
Mans destructive attitudes stem from inversion– the psychological problem discovered by Noberto Keppe. We have built a society in opposition to how it should be, substituting reality for illusions. We are prisoners of our fantasies and neuroses and they are destroying us. True reality has been left behind: a true paradise on earth:We are one step away from returning to heaven on earth (The Kingdom of Man, Norberto Keppe) and this could be accomplished if it is conscientized. This book brings a message of hope in an era of many disasters. Find out more about the Keppe Motor which promises the liberation of the human being in the Third Millennium.
Japanese scientist Masaro Emoto demonstrated how psychic life alters the composition of water molecules. Doctor Keppe adds to his research saying that the same occurs in the blood. When a person has bad thoughts the blood cells become deformed and many other alterations arise. Blood become toxic due to bad ideas. If we concientize the entropy in our inner life we can enjoy better health. As speculation ends, the fictitious society is falling apart, causing a great transformation for humanity. In the search for a solution for the energy crisis, scientists from STOP, have developed The Keppe Motor, a new way to capture energy based on the book The New Physics of Disinverted Metaphysics by Norberto Keppe. Watch this program to find out more about this technological innovation.
Discover more Trilogical TV programs here at Trilogy Channel.
Recommend Books

The Origin of Illness: Psychological, Physical, Social
Norberto R. Keppe
“I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Keppe about the factors that create disease and prevent true healing. If we adopt the therapeutic suggestions contained here, we, our families and our society will experience healthier and more joyful lives.”
Bernie Siegel, M.D. and author of Love, Medicine and Miracles and Prescriptions for Living
In this provocative book, Keppe shows how the keystone of mental, physical and social illness is our unconscious resistance to goodness, truth and beauty, and as a result, a battle is waged both within us and against others. Richly illustrated with examples taken from more than 30 years of clinical research, Keppe uncovers the real reasons we undermine our health, stifle our talents and sabotage our success.
This book will help you: a) Learn the principles that have helped heal so many people around the world, b) Gain resourcefulness and resilience, c) Become a happier, healthier, more balanced person, d) Open the door to a brighter future for yourself and those you love.
Norberto R. Keppe
In this highly therapeutic book, with a special skill that is both highly advanced and curative, Keppe deals with neurosis and the anxiety that afflicts everyone today.
Keppe’s dialectical approach to the age-old questions of reality and fantasy, denial and acceptance, good and evil, love and hate, has resulted in the first true unification of science, philosophy and theology – the answer to human suffering.

Healing Through Consciousness – Theomania: The Cause of Stress
Claudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco
Based on clinical observations and extensive bibliographical research, the author, a psychoanalyst, shares her unique observations about the mind-body connection. Stress taxes the immune system and makes us sick. But the worst stress comes not from outside but from inside of us.

Revealing the Power of Consciousness: The Handbook of Analytical Trilogy
Claudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco
Every once in awhile, a book comes along that offers an essential contribution to our troubled world.
This is just such a book.
Revealing the Power of Consciousness is a profound journey into the Trilogical science developed by Norberto R. Keppe. If you’ve ever wondered why things seem to be going so wrong on our beautiful planet – and more importantly, what you need to learn improve it – you need to read this book.
